Sponsor Contests
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Subhanallah Calligraphy Competition

Subhanallah Calligraphy Competition. You can either submit handmade or computer generated Subhanallah Calligraphy. Winning price is 49 USD.

Mashallah Calligraphy Competition

Mashallah Calligraphy Competition. You can either submit handmade or computer generated Mashallah Calligraphy. Winning price is 49 USD.

Alhamdulillah Calligraphy Competition

Alhamdulillah Calligraphy Competition. You can either submit handmade or computer generated Alhamdulillah Calligraphy. Winning price is 49 USD.

Follow these steps.

   1. Submit your calligraphy work.

   2. Invite your friends, family members for voting.

   3. Win the price

Muslims Male Online Adhan Competition - Winning Prize $299

Online Adhan Competition for Muslims male. Winning price is 299 USD.

Online Annual Quran Competition - Winning Prize $499

Annual online worldwide Quran Competition for Muslim males and females. Winning price is 499 USD.

Online Islamic Calligraphy Competition - Winning Prize $199

Islamic Calligraphy Competition. You can either submit handmade or computer generated Islamic Calligraphy based on any Quranic Verse or Ayat. Winning price is 199 USD.

Bismillah Calligraphy Competition

Bismillah Calligraphy Competition. You can either submit handmade or computer generated Bismillah Calligraphy. Winning price is 49 USD.

Adhan Competition for Muslims Children Aged 5 to 10

Adhan Competition for Muslims Children Aged 5 to 10. Winning price is 199 USD.